Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God – “Mary is blessed with God’s life – and so are we.”
On this feast of Mary, Mother of God, almost nothing is actually said about Mary. The first reading focuses on God’s blessing of the people of Israel. The second shows us how that blessing will come about through Mary in Christ. In the Gospel, we see Mary’s response — to treasure all these things in her heart. God’s blessing is for all of the people, and so we too are blessed members of God’s holy family. He desires to use each of us in our own way, to carry Jesus into the world so all might find a place in the family of God. May we hear and treasure God’s call for our lives.
“God who sent your Son to Mary and to all of us, you have blessed us and made us your own. Teach us to treasure your blessings and your call for our lives. May we marvel at the mystery of how you call and complete us. Amen.”
Taken from the CCCB – Reflection
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary