Too often, our ideas of abundance are informed by worldly understandings of wealth. The instructions Jesus gives to His disciples stand in contrast to any hope or expectation we have that following God means a guarantee of material excess. Jesus sends the disciples out two by two, and asks them to rely on the provision of those who receive them, offering care and healing in exchange for room and b…oard. If people reject them, Jesus tells them to shake the dust off their feet as they leave town and move on to the next community. We aren’t supposed to find our security in the size of our savings accounts, but in the promise of God’s call and provision. What can we do this week to lessen our trust in our own wealth or capacity, and to increase our trust in God? How can our increased dependence on God be a gift for others as well as for ourselves?
For trust in God’s provision, and generosity with what has been given to us, we pray to the Lord. #catholicyyc #sundaymass
(taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary)