This story of Martha and Mary is not about prayer being more important than kitchen work; it’s about what happens when we are not present to where we are called. In each and every moment, we can only be in one place, and sometimes we like where we are better than other times. It is true, that like Martha, we have a choice when we do not like where we are, and also that robbing other people’s joy i…s not the solution to our misery. Jesus challenges Martha to remember that “there is need of only one thing.” What is the one thing God is asking of me right now? Ask Him, and when you get an answer, go and do it. Then, ask again. Sometimes, I need to pray, and sometimes it is my turn to serve. If I do what God asks me to do, it is much easier to delight in what God is asking of others, instead of being jealous, unsatisfied, or frustrated.
For clarity around the one thing God is asking of us, we pray to the Lord.
(taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary)