In the first reading, the Psalm, and the Gospel, we are reminded that God is moved by our relationship with Him. This doesn’t mean that God does what we want if we just ask long and hard enough, but rather that our prayers, presence and relationship affect God’s heart. Just as the people we love fill our eyes with spontaneous tears by smiling in a certain way, our affection touches God deeply. Sha…ring our pain and longing with Him transforms us, even while it draws us deeper into the mystery of God’s life and ongoing action in the world. We worship God who has been so affected by our brokenness that He came to earth and was persistent in loving us even to death on a cross. The second reading reminds us to join our suffering to that of Jesus, so that God can transform it into new life. That is the good news at the heart of the Gospel and of our lives.
Prayer of the Faithful: For persistence in loving God and drawing close to Him even in pain, we pray to the Lord. #SundayMass #CatholicYYC
Text: CCCB
(taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary)