The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
“God’s life is poured out for us in sacrifice; what will we give of our lives?”
Today’s readings draw us into the heart of what it means to follow Jesus with our lives. God sent his Son, who
poured himself out for us, an example that this gift of life was meant to be given away.
The Eucharistic table invites us to receive the sacrifice of Jesus and then leave the table to give ourselves away in love to the world, just like Jesus did.
So, what difference does your faith make in the way that you live?
What sacrifices are you making for the sake of loving the world?
Are you purchasing less so you can give more money to those in need?
Are you giving up time to serve others?
Are you offering your leisure time to play or spend more time with your or make someone else’s lifeless burdensome?
God is not asking you to be a joyless witness, resentfully rejecting all fun or recreational things. He’s asking us all to live in such a way that our lifestyle will be a gift, a light, and an invitation for others to find life’s most profound joy in loving with our whole hearts.
Jesus, you offer yourself to us through the consecrated bread and wine; may we be transformed together and become one body for our world. As we gather in our church communities or in our domestic churches, send us forth into the world to pour ourselves out in love. Amen
Taken from the CCCB Reflection
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary