So many seasons of our lives involve waiting and, very often, we are tempted to give up on God before we see the fruit of the waiting. Unemployment, unrealized growth, difficulty in relationships, struggles at school or work – all these and many other challenges show up, teasing us with the lie that we have been abandoned. From the Passover in the midst of slavery, to Abraham and Sarah’s infertili…ty, to the disciples waiting for Jesus to come back to them again, the life of faith is marked by living our lives in the midst of a plan for human salvation that is much bigger than any one of us and greater even than our collective lifetimes. People without faith do not have more or less suffering than we do, but they may struggle with less hope. Choose abundant life, grow hope and patience, and wonder at what God will do with our messes.
Prayer: For hope and patience in the midst of struggle, we pray to the Lord. Saving God, you have worked eternal life for all people out of an infertile couple, and you make all things new. In seasons of confusion and difficulty, draw us into your loving arms, and give us the gift of trusting in you when we cannot see the way. Be our hope and our life, Lord. Amen.
#CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Text: CCCB
(taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary)