So often we hear about the Gospel reading, but it may be worth starting Advent with a reflection on the reading from Isaiah. This text is roughly 2700 years old and the message is that the time is coming when there will be peace on earth, and that God is working to bring it about. Our invitation from Jesus is we should be ready for this to happen imminently, and working with God to bring it about at all times and in all places. Now, at the beginning of Advent, we can root our hope again in God’s ancient and ever-new promise that the Prince of Peace is coming. We carry so many challenges in life; the solutions are complex and sometimes take years or decades. God is not afraid of our big problems. His promises are true through generations and centuries. Let us wrap up our troubles and entrust them to the manger, where God is coming to hold them and us again.
Let us pray for joyful anticipation of God who is coming again to breathe life and hope into our broken world.
God of Isaiah, speak your promises into our broken world. Give us hope, anticipation and child-like faith that you can make all things new. Renew our longing for you to come among us again. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB
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Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary