Here we are in Lent. These opening Sunday readings are a beautiful reminder for us to turn away from sin so we can choose righteousness. Our sacrifice and discipline need to turn us toward renewed life because “just as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s righteousness the many will be made righteous.” God’s best plan for redeeming our sinfulness is one person’s virtue. Our turning back to God, and away from sin, is not only for our own sake, but also for the sake of the world. Every act of virtue, every sacrifice, and every effort to turn from sin is a window for God’s grace to be multiplied for the world in and through our participation in divine life. Let’s use this Lent to bring more life into our lives and into the world.
Prayer: For a turning toward God that changes our lives and the world, we pray to the Lord. Jesus, you saved us by your righteousness. Draw our Lenten promises into your redeeming love for the world. May our sacrifices be a participation in new life for the world. Amen.
Text: CCCB
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Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary