At 12 noon today, the Holy Father Francis appeared at the window of the study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace to recite the Angelus with the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
“Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
This Sunday’s Gospel ( cf.Mt16: 13-20) presents the moment in which Peter professes his faith in Jesus as Messiah and Son of God. This confession of the Apostle is provoked by Jesus himself, who wants to lead his disciples to take the decisive step in their relationship with him. In fact, the whole journey of Jesus with those who follow him, especially with the Twelve, is a journey of education of their faith. First of all he asks: “Who do people say the Son of man is?” (v. 13). The apostles liked to talk about people, as did all of us. Gossip is liked. Talking about others is not so demanding, for this reason, because we like it; also “skin” the others. In this case, the perspective of faith is already required and not gossip, that is, it asks: “What do people say that I am?”. And the disciples seem to compete in reporting the different opinions, which perhaps to a large extent they themselves shared. They shared themselves. Basically, Jesus of Nazareth was considered a prophet (v. 14).
With the second question, Jesus touches them to the heart: “But you, who do you say that I am?” (v. 15). At this point, we seem to perceive a few moments of silence, because each of those present is called to get involved, manifesting the reason why he follows Jesus; for this reason a certain hesitation is more than legitimate. Even if I now ask you, “Who is Jesus for you?”, There will be some hesitation. Simon takes them away from embarrassment, who enthusiastically declares: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (v. 16). This response, so full and luminous, does not come to him from his impulse, however generous – Peter was generous -, but is the fruit of a particular grace from the heavenly Father. In fact, Jesus himself tells him: «Neither flesh nor blood have revealed it to you – that is, the culture, what you have studied – no, he has not revealed this to you. My Father who is in heaven has revealed it to you “(v. 17). Confessing Jesus is a grace of the Father. To say that Jesus is the Son of the living God, who is the Redeemer, is a grace that we must ask: “Father, give me the grace to confess Jesus”. At the same time, the Lord recognizes Simon’s prompt correspondence to the inspiration of grace and then adds, in a solemn tone: “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the powers of hell will not prevail over it” (v . 18). With this affirmation, Jesus makes Simon understand the meaning of the new name he gave him, “Peter”: the faith he has just manifested is the unshakable “stone” on which the Son of God wants to build his Church, that is, the Community . And the Church always goes on on the faith of Peter,
Today, we hear Jesus’ question addressed to each of us: “And you, who do you say I am?”. To each of us. And each of us must give an answer that is not theoretical, but which involves faith, that is, life, because faith is life! “For me you are …”, and to say the confession of Jesus. An answer that also requires us, like the first disciples, to listen to the voice of the Father and to be in harmony with what the Church, gathered around Peter, keep proclaiming. It is a question of understanding who Christ is for us: if He is the center of our life, if He is the goal of all our commitment in the Church, of our commitment in society. Who is Jesus Christ for me? Who is Jesus Christ for you, for you, for you… An answer that we should give every day.
But be careful: it is indispensable and commendable that the pastoral care of our communities be open to the many poverties and emergencies that are everywhere. Charity is always the main way of the journey of faith, of the perfection of faith. But it is necessary that the works of solidarity, the works of charity that we do, do not distract from contact with the Lord Jesus. Christian charity is not simple philanthropy but, on the one hand, it is looking at the other with the eyes of Jesus themselves. and, on the other hand, it is seeing Jesus in the face of the poor. This is the true path of Christian charity, with Jesus at the center, always. May Mary Most Holy, blessed because she believed, be our guide and model on the journey of faith in Christ, and make us aware that trust in him gives full meaning to our charity and to our whole existence.
[00963-EN.02] [Original text: Italian] – Taken from the Vatican News – Bulletin