Annual General Meeting
Dear Members,
“The scheduled AGM has been rescheduled from November 18, 2023, to November 25, 2023. This change is due to the ordination of the deacons, an event many of us would like to attend. The venue and time for the AGM remain unchanged: St. Thomas More Parish Hall following the 9 am parish Mass.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your presence on the new date
We look forward to seeing you there!
Theme: Stewards of God’s Grace: Serving One Another with Our Gifts Through CCCRS
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10
Register: Email:
Contact: Maxima Arat (403) 836-6873
Nduka Bethuel (403) 605-5006
Rina D’Souza (403) 508-2537
Deacon Alex Martinez-Lievano (587) 894-5314
Venue: St. Thomas More Parish Hall
15 Templebow Rd NE, Calgary
Time: Following the 9 a.m. Parish Mass