Life is what is before us right now.
One of the great values of Lent and other seasons of suffering is how they illuminate the present moment. When the disciples want to make camp on the mountaintop, Jesus doesn’t know what to say to them knowing that they
were frightened. Following this, a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him.”. When God calls to Abraham, the response is, “Here I am.” Listening to God’s call is an essential discipline.
We need not fear or worry about whether we like or dislike what God is asking. We need to be attentive to God’s call and respond as Abraham did. God is faithful, and we have this present moment to respond.
God of the Mountains, you call us to climb hard paths, to glory at the summit, and to descend again to continue our mission to love.
Keep us focused on the life that is before us, with our hands and hearts open to the gifts that lie right in front of us. Amen.
Taken from the CCCB-Reflection