In the chaos of thinking about the end of times, both in the prophecy from Malachi and the teaching from Jesus, the instruction is clear. Know whose you are and go about living justly. The second reading echoes this sentiment, giving us really practical advice: Do your work, imitate Jesus and His followers, and mind your own business. The readings indicate that for all of us, in every age, it is tempting to worry about how others are behaving, to jump ship on our responsibilities, to blame, or to stir up conflict. Our call is clear: persevere in doing the right thing, one moment at a time. At the beginning of our lives and right through to the end, we must walk simply in doing justice, living kindness, and working for peace.
Prayer: For commitment in living our own lives of discipleship to the end, we pray to the Lord.
Loving Father, from the beginning to the end you love us and call us to follow you. Help us to walk in your way, with small steps toward you, day after day. When things are hard, keep us focused on the next loving thing, and do not let us be deterred. Amen
Reflection: CCCB
Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary