In the Gospel, Jesus calls four men: Simon (Peter) and Andrew, James and John. Each of them sets down his net and follows Jesus. By the time the second reading was written, people had begun to follow Jesus’ first followers and they had preferences, as we all do! Some of us prefer Pope Francis’ witness while others loved Pope Benedict’s theology. Some of us try to serve the poor as did Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), at the same time others try to pray as did Mother Angelica. Saints and Popes, teachers and preachers all point us to Jesus. We need people of faith to teach and inspire us but, ultimately, we all follow Jesus. The diversity of charism, prayer, devotion, service, and practice in the Church needs to be held in unity. Otherwise, we give into the temptation to division, which detracts from our ability to participate in God’s loving and healing the world.
For respectful unity in a gloriously diverse Church, we pray to the Lord.
God, you have called your people by name and each images you in unique ways. Draw us to the saints living on earth and in heaven to help us along the way. Protect us from demonizing those whose methods and inspirations differ from our own. Draw us into a unity that celebrates diversity and transcends differences. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB #CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary