We all need a Saviour. Some of us don’t want one, so we spend our lives trying to save ourselves, only to discover that life undoes us all at some point. Others of us know we need one, but we want to be saved on our own terms. Jesus came. He died and rose again so we could have new life, but we have to be willing to be rescued, and we have to let God’s timing and terms reign. Our salvation is being worked out in the course of our lives right now. Whatever we are going through, God will use to bring about good. When death, suffering and tragedy surround us, all this is especially hard to believe, let alone appreciate or participate in. But it is the promise. We would do well to pray with the Psalmist wherever we find ourselves today: “Lord, come and save us.” Whatever is happening today, in every moment of our lives, God can work new life. May we believe it, and ask for it.
Let us pray for trust in God’s saving work in every moment and circumstance of our lives, we pray to the Lord.
Saviour, you long to set us free. The waiting is over and you have already worked it out. Help us to live through the moments of our own salvation, in the messy and long ways that you work in this world and the world to come. May we place our own salvation in the manger with you. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB #SundayMass #CatholicYYC
Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary