“He has anointed me to bring life to the world in all things.“
In Advent, we celebrate that Jesus comes among us and, in time, we learn His mission is also ours. In the second reading, we are reminded to rejoice in all circumstances because God is with us, working in and through us.
Right here, in the midst of the pandemic, our mission remains: we have been anointed to bring good news and new life to the world by carrying Jesus in our own care for others. What can you do to bring life to others
this week? How are you speaking? Whom are you serving? What gifts and grace are you giving away?
Prepare for Jesus this week by letting Him pour life through you for the sake of the world. And watch for the signs of His grace being poured out for you through others.
“Teach us to rejoice, to pray without ceasing, to be grateful. Fan the flame of the Spirit within us, that we might lose our appetite for every kind of evil. Grow love through us, for our own sake and for the sake of the world. Amen.“
Taken from the CCCB – Reflection