The road to Emmaus has so many beautiful moments. This year, consider expanding on the last line of the Gospel reading. After all the suffering, desolation, confusion, Jesus appears on the road to be with His friends. He helps them to understand, and then He is gone. When it is all over, they tell the story to everyone who will listen. What are the stories you tell over and over? Are you proclaiming the resurrections Christ has worked in your life, retellings of the one great story? Or do you tell the stories of your suffering and confusion? The disciples on the road are lost in their misunderstanding, stuck in the desolation of not seeing what is right in front of them. Look for Christ in your stories, and allow Him to give you new eyes to see His new life unfolding right where you are.
Prayer: For eyes to see the Resurrection and hearts to recognize Jesus, we pray to the Lord. Risen Jesus, meet us on the roads of our travels and help us to see your glory in the stories you are writing in our lives. As we recognize your life in ours, send us out to tell the story of all you have done. Amen. Alleluia!
Reflection: CCCB
#CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary