Peter, Paul, and Jesus all call us witnesses today. The implication of being witnesses to Christ’s love and power is that our lives are changed. Too often, we judge others harshly without awareness of or attention to our own need for repentance.
What if we start by letting the event of the Resurrection shed light on our own need to be purified and forgiven?
What if we model turning from sin more readily than we evaluate the sins of others?
What if we let what we have witnessed in Jesus make us more vulnerable to his healing in our own lives?
May Easter reveal the things we no longer need to cling to, now that we have seen and encountered Jesus.
Jesus, you took on flesh so that we might witness your living, dying, and Resurrection. May the things we have seen allow us to let go of old ways that distance ourselves from you. May we turn to you so that you may grant us this new life. Amen.