The miracle at Meribah and the conversation with the woman at the well are such beautiful mountaintop moments. But what happens to the Israelites and the woman in the hours and days that follow? After such significant signs, most of us find our faith wanes. We lose our sense of God’s closeness, and the mundane reality of living every day makes us forgetful, or worse, entitled. Signs and wonders, moments of intimacy with God, and other mountaintop experiences are not going to be our everyday experience. In between these gifts, we are called to faith that God is at work. In the second reading, Paul reminds us that “hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.” How are you leaning into hope at this stage in Lent, trusting that God is working out a resurrection yet to come?
Prayer: For hope to sustain us between the mountaintop experiences of faith, we pray to the Lord.
God of water from stone, and grace at a well, soften our hearts with hope that you will bring about the new life we long for, especially when we struggle to see what you are doing. May we be filled with hope now and always. Amen.
#CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary