Life will be heavy, but God will do the lifting if we will let Him.
When Paul offers us the hope of being free of anxieties, he is not suggesting the world will be without worries. He is suggesting that the more our hearts are fixed on Jesus, the more we will grow into allowing the Lord to carry our burdens. While Paul applies this to marriage having more worldly worries than single people might, his teaching is far more significant when we apply it (married or single) to God’s longing to free us. We are, as the
Psalm notes, the people who have seen light in the darkness. If the demons can recognize God’s power, should we not also see it and call on it? God wants to set us free from worry and weariness. If we are struggling to
receive that freedom, we can and should reach out for help. See a spiritual director, call a therapist, do the things necessary for mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellness. Seek God’s healing in all the places it can be found. His abundant life includes our freedom, and He will carry us through it, if we let Him.
Healing Jesus, help us see where we have been enslaved and weighed down by burdens you want to lift from us. Give us the courage to set them before you and allow you to lift them with us and from us. May we seek the healing and freedom you desire for us. Amen.
Taken from CCCB – Reflection