In the first reading, God tells the king Ahaz to ask Him for a sign, and then gets exasperated he won’t ask. So many people in our world are mad at God for not showing up or for being silent, but how many of us are asking for signs? How many more of us refuse to see them or name them when they are given? God is constantly showing up, in a sunrise or a kind word from a neighbour, in nudges of intuition or unexplainable “coincidences” that we write off. Joseph has the most incredible reasons to dismiss Mary, but he believes God who appears as an angel in a dream. This saves Mary and Jesus from being cast out into shame and poverty. What are the signs God has for you? In these last three days before Christmas, be bold enough to ask God for a sign and to believe He will send one. Watch for it with vigilance and do not give up until it comes. If God can send His Son to a manger, angels to the shepherds, a star to the wise men, He can send you a sign of His abundant life for you now. Prayer: For eyes to see the signs God is sending us, we pray to the Lord. God of life, you have offered us all things to be gifts for your glory. Help us to pursue you above all things, and then to use your resources faithfully. May we be good stewards of your gifts, now and for ever. Amen. Reflection: CCCB #CatholicYYC #SundayMass #Advent Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary