When we fall short of what God asks of us, we can be overwhelmed by shame, hide in fear, plagued by guilt. We have all kinds of coping mechanisms to deal with these feelings: justification, avoidance, indifference, selfrighteousness, and hardening, just to name a few! The way Jesus has taught is repentance: to turn back to Him with love and simply say we are sorry, allowing ourselves to be loved precisely where we feel the most vulnerable. It’s a narrow gate, not because God wants to limit those who come, but because it requires so much courage to choose repentance and forgiveness. It is the only response that offers us true life. We can trust our broken hearts to the One who loves us and wants to set us free.
For the courage to repent and let ourselves be loved, we pray to the Lord.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, you offer us forgiveness as soon as we ask. Help us to turn toward you when we have failed, and to receive your mercy with gratitude. Amen. Alleluia!
Reflection: CCCB
#CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary