It can be tempting to look out for our own and to close our eyes to the people who suffer but who aren’t “our” responsibility. Both Isaiah and Jesus speak words to convince us otherwise. God’s work is to free the prisoners, feed the hungry, care for the sick, and bring light to each and every person on the earth. Having received the light and life God offers, we have been asked to join Him in that work, rather than hoarding God’s blessings for ourselves. We are called to feed the hungry — by not wasting food at home, by buying groceries or giving money for others, by inviting our neighbours to eat with us, and by accepting the invitations of others, especially to meals that are simple and spontaneous. We are called to stop before we buy more things we do not need, and to ask how God is asking us to use our financial blessings to give life to a hurting world.
Prayer: For the generosity to share the life we have been given, we pray to the Lord.
God of abundant blessing and justice, you have poured your grace upon the world. Make us agents of your life, sharing generously the life we have been given, and receiving the life that can be found in each of your people. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB #CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary