As the early Church grows, Jesus’ message of love for all expands far beyond the places where He traveled in His lifetime. By the time John is writing the Book of Revelation, the early Church understands that God’s dwelling place is in His people. Long before we have church buildings and Bibles, catechisms and canon law, we have the new commandment of Jesus: Love one another. No matter where we find ourselves this week, it is possible for us to bring love. We can listen more …deeply, offer a needed apology, let someone else go first. We can bring kindness, offer mercy, receive others’ care. This week, still well within the Easter season, practise love as a celebration of Love’s victory over violence, suffering, and death.
For greater love, we pray to the Lord.
#CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Text: CCCB
Taken from Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary Facebook page