From time to time, it is tempting to think faith should offer us special protection from suffering. Today’s readings remind us that while healing and freedom from suffering are sometimes a gift we receive (like those healed in Samaria), God has promised we will never be alone in the world. The Gospel assures us the Spirit is with us, that we will not be left as orphans, that God will reveal Himself to us when we seek Him. When life is hard, it can be difficult to feel this promised presence, especially when we desire for the suffering to be taken away.
The second reading reminds us that we get a choice in how we suffer, whether we choose the good even when it is hard, or suffer the damaging effects of choosing sin, alongside circumstances that bring suffering. When we embrace the abundant life God offers, we choose to trust in the promise we are not alone in pain – even when it is difficult to feel that. We surrender ourselves in trusting God will use our pain, as He used Jesus’ suffering, to bring new life through death.
Prayer: For the strength to embrace God’s presence and life in the midst of suffering, we pray to the Lord.
Spirit of Truth, draw close to us in seasons of suffering and help us to know your presence. Protect us from believing lies, giving into temptations, and despairing. Give us the strength to trust that the Father who loves us will bring Resurrection and new life from the hardest of circumstances. Amen. Alleluia!
Reflection: CCCB
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Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary.