Moses proclaims in the first reading that God is asking us to be holy as God is holy, and that we are never justified in sin if or when our brothers and sisters behave badly. This is easy to say and hard to live. When Jesus says we are not to offer resistance to evil people, He isn’t telling us to become doormats. He is asking us not to return evil with evil, but to respond with the loving actions of prayer, extending love and generosity to enemies, and to offer kindness in all situations, even while we recognize and work against evil taking root in ourselves and the world. Peacemaking is not passive or easy, but it is our calling to witness how God works.
Prayer of the Faithful: For peaceful and loving responses to evil in our world, we pray to the Lord. Holy God, help us to follow you in responding to evil with perfect love. May our witness effectively build your Kingdom of mercy and love. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB
#SundayMass #CatholicYYC
Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary