“My people perish for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6
Sponsored by: The Calgary Catholic Charismatic Renewal Society (CCCRS)
When: Saturday, February 6th, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Noon (Mountain Time)
Workshop: How do I answer that? A look at typical questions and objections to the Faith.
For those attending this Saturdays Formation zoom meeting please print off a copy of the questions for your break out group’s.
How to join the meeting:
Go to www.zoom.us
Click on Join the Meeting
Put in the Meeting ID: 89493646639
Enter passcode: 2Rpto2
Or click on this link to connect to the meeting
About Tomas Kmet: Tomas grew up in the eastern block and converted to the Catholic faith as a teenager after the fall of the Berlin wall. He is part of the Catholic renewal in Calgary and serves on the board of the CCCRS. Together with his wife Miriam and five children, they are active in Holy Spirit Parish.
About Peter Thompson: Peter experienced a renewal in faith when he was baptized in the spirit in 1974. He has served extensively in the CCR both nationally and internationally with the Vatican office ICCRS. He has served with Renewal Ministries on many missionary journies especially in Africa.
Speaker: Tomas Kmet
Tomas grew up in the eastern block and converted to the Catholic faith as a
teenager after the fall of the Berlin wall. He is part of the Catholic renewal in Calgary and serves on the board of the CCCRS. Together with his wife Miriam and five children, they are active in Holy Spirit Parish.
Speaker: Peter Thompson
Peter experienced a renewal in faith when he was baptized in the spirit in 1974. He has served extensively in the CCR both nationally and internationally with the Vatican office ICCRS. He has served with Renewal Ministries on many missionary journeys especially in Africa.