Our King is a king of surrender; his great act of salvation was giving Himself away for our sake. When it talks about kingship, the world is obsessed with power. Christ, our King, lives and breathes vulnerability. The man on the cross beside Him is the first to understand what Jesus is doing, and instead of mocking His vulnerability, asks to be carried into the Kingdom. This is what salvation means: to recognize we cannot save ourselves, we cannot manipulate reality into getting what we want, but that we can be held in love if we will give ourselves over to it.
Prayer: For surrender to Jesus, our King, now and at the hour of death, we pray to the Lord.
Jesus, King of surrender, you offered yourself to the Father in trust at the darkest hour of your life. In so doing, you worked eternal life through Resurrection for us all. While the world offers us false hope in power, wealth and acquisition, you have shown us the way of surrender through suffering and vulnerability. Teach us to follow you, King of love. Amen.
#CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Reflection: CCCB
Taken from the Facebook page of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary