Jesus said: “I am the Living Bread”. Mary, Blessed Mother of the Holy Eucharist, teach us to love our Lord with ever greater devotion, surrender, and reverence. Intercede for us in making reparations for the offences and sacrileges committed against our Precious Jesus. Ark of the New Covenant, pray for us.
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Over the next 5 weeks we are invited by the Church, through the Liturgy of the Word, to meditate on the Eucharist. Jesus is the One who provides, but by asking Philip the question, “where can we buy enough food”, isn’t He teaching the Apostles, and by extension each of us, to serve the community in accordance with our state in life? Paul seems to echo this directive calling the Christian community to live in humility, gentleness, patience, love and in unity of spirit. Where do we learn this? From the One who humbled Himself and washed the feet of His followers. Let us always be willing to follow His example.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s second reading from Paul’s 2nd letter to the community in Corinth presents another example of Divine paradox. God, who is holy and perfect, who alone can judge objectively and in truth, offers each of us His love, mercy and grace when we face, and so often, are overcome by our sinfulness and weakness. With humility and surrender, let us look to the Lord, until He has mercy upon us.
Solemnity of Birth of St. John the Baptist
As the Church celebrates the Nativity of John the Baptist we are invited to reflect upon John’s calling and imitate his example in fulfilling his mission. We have been baptized into Christ, as such, we too are sent to point out the Lamb of God, to give knowledge of salvation, and give light to those who sit in darkness. Holy Spirit, come, fill us with Your strength.
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