Our king is coming, robed in majesty, and we are called to follow him.
Today is a celebration of Jesus’ identity as king.
Throughout Scripture, Jesus reveals to us that he is a king who serves with humility and meekness, seeking out the lowly and forgotten. The good news is that through our Baptism, we are sons and daughters of the king, who share in this identity of service and mercy.
Jesus has built a bridge from this life into eternal life. Our king is crucified, and raised to a life that has victory over every death.
We sit, in this space at the end of the liturgical year, with our eyes fixed on eternity. This year and the ones we
have left upon the earth are a gift where we can love like He loves with our hearts fixed on a love that cannot be
contained by this world. In this last week of the year, focus intently on loving those you are called to serve in
imitation of Jesus Christ, our King.
Jesus Christ, King of eternity, open our eyes to see the way our lives follow you from loving service into eternal life and love. Draw us into an eternal perspective, that we would see the moments of our lives spilling out grace from heaven. Make us builders of your kingdom on earth that we might love with you into eternity. Amen
Taken from CCCB Reflection
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary