(updated on March 27, 2022 messages/ information taken from the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary)
Insights of Discipleship in the Diocese of Calgary
Faithfully gives a snapshot of faith at work in the lives of everyday people. It features stories and events that deepen our connection with God through others. The monthly online publication will be sent by email to all subscribers. To subscribe click on the link here: Faithfully Registration
Here is the March 2022 Issue of Faithfully PDF version – Faithfully Magazine
Pastoral Letter from Bishop McGrattan

“The act of humbly seeking God’s mercy and grace in prayer this Lent can further the dialogue of peace. Such acts of penance can be transformational for us and the world.”
- Read a Lenten message from Bishop McGrattan, as shared in Faithfully on March 21.
Indigenous Delegation: March 28 to April 1

Indigenous Delegations to meet the Pope this Monday
Catholics across the country are invited to join in collective prayer as a delegation of Indigenous survivors, Elders, knowledge keepers and young people travel to Rome to meet with Pope Francis from March 28 to April 1. The journey, organized by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, represents an important moment in the ongoing journey of healing and reconciliation. As announced in late October, the delegation will also help inform the planned pilgrimage of the Holy Father to Canada at a future date. For more information, please visit www.cccb.ca
Bishop William McGrattan and Edmonton Archbishop Richard Smith are among the Canadian bishops set to accompany the delegates. Please keep them in your prayers.
An interview with Fr. Cristino Bouvette
Archdiocese of Edmonton sat down with Fr. Cristino Bouvette a couple months ago to talk about how we define reconciliation, and to learn from his uniquely knowledgeable perspective as an indigenous Roman Catholic priest. Watch video now
Resources for Indigenous Delegation Visit
Please check the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops‘s website and find rich source of information about the Indigenous delegation. Resources include communication materials for parishes, the faithful, journalists and educational resources.
Christian response to bioethical challenges
Pray the Pope’s Intention this month:
- We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.

There are essentially two risks for Christians that Pope Francis highlights in this video. The first is to see technological progress as an enemy, and therefore, to oppose it in every way and try to “curb” it. The second risk is to suffer it passively, pretending that nothing is happening and ending up “hiding our head like an ostrich” when “respect for human dignity” is put into doubt. There is only one solution: “an even more profound and subtle discernment,” so as to accompany technological progress in its path of service to humanity.

Re-introducing Solidarity Sunday | April 3
This Lent Bishop McGrattan has re-introduced Solidarity Sunday in our Diocese.
So what is it? It has been an integral part of Development and Peace-Caritas Canada since 1968. Parishes throughout Canada hold a special Mass and a collection that gives us the opportunity to stand together in solidarity with the poorest of the poor in the Global South – in prayer and almsgiving.
Please note that due to the pandemic Bishop McGrattan asks that we hold this collection, just for this year, over more than just Solidarity Sunday so that more of us will have the opportunity to give.
This Lent we are invited to pray for all those who are the poorest and most forgotten and to give generously at our Solidarity Sunday Second Collection, which will be taken up on the Fourth Sunday (March 27) and Fifth Sunday(April 3) of Lent. Throughout our country our bishops are asking us to support Development and Peace-Caritas Canada in the life-giving work in places such as Honduras, Cambodia, Madagascar – and Ukraine. Pastoral Letter from Bishop McGrattan re: Solidarity Sunday
Chrism Mass | April 11

The Paschal Triduum will begin with the blessing and consecration of oils and the Holy Chrism by Bishop McGrattan. All faithful are invited to this celebration which will take place on Monday, April 11, 11 am, at St. Mary’s, Cathedral.
- Cathedral doors will be open to the public at 10 am.
- Reception to follow immediately after the Mass at the St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall. This event is open to all.
Pastoral Care Ministry Training | May 6-7

The Diocese of Calgary is offering a Pastoral Care Ministry Training for those who feel called to assist their parish in a healing ministry to the sick, elderly, dying, homebound and bereaved members.
There is no cost to attend this workshop for new or those previously trained in Pastoral Care Ministry.
- For more information, visit catholicyyc.ca/pastoralcare
Announcements & Resources
- Russia-Ukraine: Where is God in war?
The eyes of the world are fixed on Ukraine. Our hearts turn to our fellow human beings under brutal attack. Terrible tragedies like this beg the question: Where is God?
- Ukraine: Pope and Zelensky in conversation
Addressing the Italian Parliament via video link on Tuesday morning, Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky referred to a telephone conversation he had with Pope Francis, whom he said, had very important words. Read more
- To support Ukraine beyond prayers
- Students for Song in Ukraine
Join school choirs from the Calgary Catholic School District at a special concert in support of Ukraine on Tuesday, March 29 at 7 pm. Where: St. Gerard’s Catholic Church (8944 Elbow Drive SW). Admission by donation of money or non-perishable food at the door, rush seating (all proceeds to the Canada-Ukraine Foundation and food will go to the Calgary Food Bank). More info
- Tenebrae: Scripture & Song
Join the choirs of St John Choir Schola on Passion Sunday, April 10 at 7:30 pm at St Anthony’s Church in Calgary for the candlelit Tenebrae service. Together with the beautifully stirring music of the SJCS choirs, the sequence of short readings will draw us deeply into a meditation upon the unfathomable mercy and love of God. More info
- Three unconventional ways to give alms this Lent when you’re maxed out | So, what’s a Christian to do? You want to give, and you know you should give, but feeding yourself and your family is taking every last penny. Here are some creative ways to make almsgiving possible this Lent.
- Failing at Lent? Make this one change
Were you motivated to have a life-changing Lent this Ash Wednesday, only to find that—a few weeks in—you’re failing? Fr. Mark-Mary walks you through one change you can make that could change your entire Lent: dedication.
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