This first coming of Jesus is the promise that this Christ will come again. He is with us now – but also coming at some unknown time to complete all things in the perfect Reign and Kingdom of God. Today we marvel over God’s good grace. How will I behave with family and friends because Jesus Christ is with me and us today? (Source: Diocese of Springfield)
The Christmas Season
The Christmas season celebrates the mystery of the Incarnation and the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the world: past, present and future. The mystery and feast of Christmas (the Nativity of the Lord) is second only to Easter in the liturgical life of the Church. The Christmas season begins after evening prayer on December 25th and continues through the Baptism of the Lord. The first week of the season is the octave of Christmas which closes on the feast of the Mother of God (Jan 1).
“Jesus, in fact, came to earth in the concreteness of a people to save every man and woman, of all cultures and nationalities. He made Himself small so that we could welcome Him and receive the gift of God’s tenderness.” ~ Pope Francis, 2021
Find links to blessings and other content to help you celebrate this season of joy and hope for salvation.
- Blessing your nativity scene at home
- Christmas giving
- Resources for children: Christmas
- Gospel Reflection: Jesus is the Son of God. We are so blessed that he became human and lived among us. His light overcomes darkness because God’s love for us is greater than sin. Jesus taught us how to love God by loving one another. (Loyola Press)
- Sunday Connection for Christmas (Gr. 1-8)
- Christmas crafts and activities for kids
Christmas activities that focus on Jesus
Taken from Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary