God created us with desires and longs to see us satisfied. Because of sin and brokenness, we often learn to satiate desires with things that don’t ultimately satisfy. Built over time into habits, we can spend long seasons of our lives settling for things that leave us wanting. This is the heart of addiction, and we are all addicted to something: food or TV, control or self-righteousness, drugs or alcohol. On this feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, we read about the miracle… of feeding the five thousand. While the disciples would send the people away to find food, Jesus insists on giving the people what they need. When the leftovers are gathered, the Gospel says: “They all ate and were satisfied.” Think of one area in your life where you are constantly eating or seeking but are never satisfied. Ask God to help you identify the heart of that desire, and seek out the supports you need to feed the desire in a way that truly satisfies you and Him.
Prayer of the Faithful: For food for our desires that truly satisfy us and God, we pray to the Lord.
Photo courtesy Franciscan University of Steubenville
Text: CCCB #CatholicYYC #SundayMass
Taken from the Facebook page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary