As we listen to the passion narrative amid this challenging Lent in the midst of a world pandemic, let us be
attentive to the echo of the Psalmist, who says, “My times are in your hands.” The Prophet Isaiah and Saint Paul
assure us in the first and second readings that the Father takes his child’s willingness, faithfulness, pain and
turns it into glory.
What we cannot see now, during the darkest moments, is how God will turn it into new life. Will we resist and reject God in suffering? Or will we lift our gaze to him in faith and trust that He will restore and renew our lives and relationships, preparing and equipping us for eternal joy and salvation?
Prayer of the Faithful: Amidst the world’s sufferings, that we may see God’s love and call for an abundant life
in Him, we pray to the Lord.
Loving and merciful Jesus, help us to meet you at the cross. Create in us new hearts that even when we experience grief, pain, and despair, we open and surrender our lives to your grace. We pray for peace, healing, and joy to reign in our hearts, in our families, and in our common places. Amen.
Reflection from CCCB