In the middle of the mystery that is the Trinity, there is a beautiful truth for us to live into: the relationship between the persons of the Trinity is the life of the persons inside the relationship as well as gives life to the persons beyond it.
As we live in relationship, with God and one another, we are invited into this same life-giving abundance. Do our friendships have space for others to join us? Does our family draw others in? Are our relationships at work and school a gift for others?
This week, spend some time thinking about how your relationships spill over with grace, so that the grace of Jesus, and the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit flows out of your faith.
Prayer: For life to flow out of our relationships for ourselves and for the world, we pray to the Lord.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, draw us into the dance of life, where there is always room for more of your people. Help us make space for the people you want to bless through our relationships. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB
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