“God makes a way of life for people, and we are called to make a way with Him.”
Wherever we find ourselves in this messy world, Advent is a call to prepare for Christ in our lives and the world.
This is an internal and personal journey. At the same time, Christ’s coming is geared toward the salvation of
every soul, so that the mountains of struggle would be lowered and the valleys of suffering and injustice be filled
in for all people.
As we sit in silent wait during Advent, we would do well to consider what we are waiting for in the world and with whom. So much struggle and suffering surround us: pandemic fatigue and division, a nation in desperate need of healing and reconciliation, and refugees waiting in camps to cross our borders in search of a new life. If we are going to celebrate joy with the Psalmist, we need to work with Jesus on the great things he is doing to set captives free, in our hearts and in the world.
God of the great things, prepare us to welcome you again, in our hearts and in our world. May we never give up hope, in the midst of the waiting, that you will come to do great things here and now to set your people free, we pray to the Lord. Amen
Taken from CCCB Reflection
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary