The gospel acclamation captures such an important part of the gospel of life today: “We saw his star at its rising and we have come to do him homage.”
We live in a time when we expect good things to come to us. Too often, we feel entitled to receive what we want and long for. The abundance of food, water, shelter, peace, and stuff can make us blind to the miracles.
Do we see when Jesus is pouring out grace for us?
Do we practice wonder and awe, and gratitude?
Do we return at the end of every blessed day to give praise and thanks to the Author of Life?
May we pour out gifts in return for the gifts we have been given, that all might come to know Him.
“God of wonder and awe, point us to your miracles. Help us to see them and never take them for granted. May we return with worship and praise to give you thanks, and return your gifts with giving hearts and lives. Amen”
Taken from CCCB Reflection
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary