The readings present two challenges to belonging in our faith community which we still encounter today. First, that we aren’t good enough somehow (because our history hasn’t been really Christian, or before then really Jewish). Secondly, we are too good (which is what John said of Jesus). Peter’s line at the opening of the second reading is really the key, however: “God shows no partiality.” Isaiah’s reading indicates that God always meant His special relationship with Israel to be a blessing for all nations, and Jesus’ death and Resurrection opens the covenant beyond the circumcised. Jesus is baptized not for the forgiveness of sins but as a participation in the universality of belonging to God’s family. Our faith is not just for us. It is meant to be a gift to the world, offering God’s love and belonging to all people, by our care and, should they choose, by baptism with Jesus.
Prayer: For all people longing to belong, we pray to the Lord. Baptised Jesus, you whisper over each of us the words your Father spoke over you: “This is my Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” May we be people who hear you speaking this over us, who believe it, and who proclaim it over your people wherever we find them. Amen.
Reflection: CCCB
Taken from the Facebook Page of Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary