At the vigil and in the morning, the disciples proclaim the Resurrection, saying “We have seen the Lord.”
As you contemplate these powerfully true words, ever ancient and ever new, how do they ring true for you, in your life,
this year?
Where have you seen the Lord?
Where have you doubted him, like Thomas, and then had him comfort you? Where have you seen him, and then he was gone?
Where have you run to share your experience of Jesus with those you love?
When have you seen him, rising like the sun after a storm?
The world needs the Resurrection, and we have seen the Lord. Let us tell the stories, our stories, of new life.
Resurrected Jesus, help us to see you rising on Easter morning and in the healing stories of our lives. Make us bold in declaring where we have seen you, sharing the Good News with those who need it, and hearing it from others when it is hard to see ourselves. Alleluia, amen.
Reflection from CCCB