In all three readings for this holy day, we are asked to remember by doing something. Our faith is not mere
intellectual memory or a set of impersonal truths. It is a faith of living memory, where Christ’s life and memory
are renewed each time we live out of His love. When we eat his body and drink his blood, and we realize His
love in the world. When we wash one another’s feet, we offer a holy service to those in need, bringing life to
ourselves and others. As we prepare for the Triduum, we are preparing to die with him for the sake of others so
that we might all be raised with him. May we be prepared to have our faith change the way we live – in
remembrance of Him.
Prayer of the Faithful: For those who emulate the sacrificial and loving actions of Jesus in service of others, we
pray to the Lord.
Compassionate Father, as your Son Jesus washed the feet of disciples and comforted the outcast, draw us into encounters of mercy that imitate your love. Grant that our lives be tangible signs of your Kingdom, of service and generosity sustained by communion with you. Amen.
Taken from the CCCB Reflection